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The International Journal of Curriculum & Instruction published “Teacher Perceptions of Using Chess as a Heuristic Pedagogical Method” in Volume 13, No. 3 (2021). The announcement came from Dr. George Chitiyo, Professor of Research and Evaluation at Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, Tennessee.

The article includes aspects of the research conducted by professors at Tennessee Tech and the University of Alabama during the Alabama Chess in Schools (ACIS) initiative from 2015 – 2019. Dr. Chitiyo anticipates additional publications emerging from their research.

Article Abstract

“The purpose of this study was to investigate the experiences and perceptions of teachers who used chess during instruction for an entire academic year in several school districts within a southern U.S. state. Data for the study were obtained via an electronic survey administered to a sample of 62 teachers in Spring 2018. Results of the study showed that teachers were enthusiastic about using chess during instruction, and they had largely positive perceptions regarding the benefits of chess among their students.”

Citation for the Article

Chitiyo, G., Zagumny, L., Davis, K., Littrell, M., Akenson, A., Besnoy, K., Mathende, A., & Potter K. (2021). Teacher perceptions of using chess as a heuristic pedagogical method. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 13(3).