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Chess in Schools (CIS) recently reached a cooperative agreement with the European Chess Union (ECU) supporting Chess in Education (CIE) in the United States.

CIE Certification

Under the agreement, the ECU authorizes CIS as the exclusive provider in the United States for its CIE-certification program. Chess in Schools will offer training programs to teachers and education-savvy chess instructors. Both organizations will work to adapt and expand CIE adoption within the US. As a result, they hope to develop agreements with third parties interested in establishing a local or regional presence to do their own CIE training and certification based on ECU methodologies.

New CIE Coalition Partner

ECU joins the Chess in Education Coalition, an advisory group of commercial and non-profit organizations that support CIS’s Chess in Education Initiative through commitments of their time, resources, and endorsements. The ECU is recognized as a world leader in CIE development. Other recent additions to the the CIE Coalition include America’s Foundation for Chess, Premier Chess, and the New Hampshire Chess Association.

Future Projects

ECU and CIS plan to cooperate on selected future international CIE projects. CIS will assist ECU in finding US parties interested in other CIE-related efforts, such as organizing CIE conferences and looking for university scholarship opportunities.

Chess in Schools believes this collaboration will build broader awareness of the educational benefits of chess when taught, not simply as a competitive activity, but as an effective and proven educational tool for teachers.

Learn more about the European Chess Union – Education Commission.