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Chess in Education Conference

October 18, 2021: Still waiting on release of the recording of the conference. Organizers have not responded to questions about the number of attendees nor when videos of the event might be made available. Managing director Al Lawrence and organizer Beatriz Marinello spoke about the conference with James Eade during this interview.

August 16, 2021 note:  Technical issues prevented live streaming of the conference. We look forward to doing a blog on the conference once the content of the sessions is made public. The Conference organizer reports, “the two days, over 12 hours of presentation time, videos will air on (1st day panelists August 28 & 2nd day panelists August 29.”


July 20, 2021: On July 12 the US Chess Trust announced on its website that it would hold the 3rd International Koltanowski Conference on Chess in Education on July 29-30.

There is no cost to attend, but advance registration is required for in-person or listening via live streaming. COVID-19 masked and social distancing policies are in effect for in-person attendance.Live-streaming applicants will be emailed a link prior to the conference.

Opening remarks from are scheduled to start at 9:30 EDT on July 29 from US Chess Managing Director Al Lawrence; FIDE President Arkady Dvorkovich, and US Chess President Michael Hoffpauir.

Click on the graphic below for the full schedule of events.

Chess in Education Conference

Click here for free in person or live streaming registration for the conference.

While there are many overseas CIE conferences, this is believed to be the first to be held in the US since 2011. Kudos to the organizers for pulling together an interesting array of speakers in the wake of the pandemic.

Download Conference Brochure

Q & A will not be enabled through the streaming interface. Due to time constraints, a few questions will be selected by the moderator and given to the panelists to answer.  We are limiting the questions (both in person and online) to a few questions for each presenter so that each presenter can begin their presentation on time. To submit a question, those attending online should send their question to with the subject Question for (panelist name), indicate their name, location and interest. If your question is selected, your name will be mentioned during this Q & A.

Chess in Schools will cover the conference as part of the Chess in Education Initiative and report on the website. US Chess Trust will record sessions and make them available to the public.

The U.S. Chess Trust is an independent 501(c)(3), non-profit organization. Created in 1967, the Trust was organized to promote, stimulate and encourage the study and play of the game of chess as a means of intellectual development. The Trust uses its resources for charitable purposes, including social, educational, scientific, historical endeavors.