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Develop a lesson plan that explains how outflanking, as used in chess, applies to other domains.

The following text is an unedited Generated Response by Bing Chat from July 2023)

Editor’s rating: A+

“Here is a possible lesson plan that explains how outflanking, as used in chess, applies to other domains:

Objective: To understand the concept of outflanking and how it can be used in different situations.

Materials: Chess board and pieces, paper and pencil, examples of outflanking from history, sports, politics, etc.


  1. Introduce the term outflanking and explain that it means to gain an advantage over an opponent by moving to their side or behind them, or by forcing them to move away from a position they want to defend.
  2. Show an example of outflanking in chess using the king and pawn endgame. Explain that one king can use zugzwang (a situation where any move is disadvantageous) to force another king away from a defended pawn, or to step to the side of the other king and place a file between them, so that the other king cannot step in front of their king123.
  3. Demonstrate how to gain and lose the opposition (a situation where the kings face each other across an odd number of squares) and how it relates to outflanking23.
  4. Have the students practice some king and pawn endgames on the chess board and identify when outflanking occurs.
  5. Ask the students to think of other domains where outflanking can be applied, such as military strategy, sports tactics, political campaigns, business competition, etc.
  6. Have the students share their examples and explain how outflanking works in each case. Provide feedback and additional examples if needed.
  7. Summarize the main points of the lesson and review the definition of outflanking and its applications.”


This is another AI response about outflanking from Chat GPT 3.5 in July 2023

“Extending the Concept of Outflanking to Non-Chess Domains

The concept of outflanking, which involves gaining an advantage by attacking or surrounding an opponent from multiple directions, is not limited to chess. It can be applied to various real-life scenarios and domains. Here are some examples of how the principle of outflanking can be extended beyond chess:

  1. Military Strategy: In military operations, outflanking is a crucial tactic to gain a positional advantage over the enemy. Instead of engaging head-on, a military force may attempt to flank the opponent from the sides or rear, cutting off their supply lines and isolating them from reinforcements. The famous “double envelopment” strategy used by Hannibal at the Battle of Cannae is a classic example of outflanking, where the Roman army was encircled and defeated.
  2. Business and Marketing: In business, outflanking can involve gaining a competitive advantage by approaching the market from unconventional angles. This could mean offering a unique product or service that meets a specific niche demand, targeting an underserved customer segment, or utilizing innovative marketing campaigns to reach consumers in unexpected ways. By outflanking competitors, businesses can secure a stronger position in the market.
  3. Sports Tactics: In team sports like soccer, basketball, or American football, outflanking is used to bypass the opposing team’s defense by attacking from the sides. This tactic often involves quick and coordinated movements to exploit weaknesses in the defense’s positioning. Outflanking allows teams to create scoring opportunities by accessing areas of the field that are less defended.
  4. Political Maneuvering: In politics, outflanking can be seen when politicians use alternative strategies to gain support and achieve their goals. This might involve adopting positions that appeal to different demographics, building coalitions with unexpected allies, or focusing on particular issues that are overlooked by competitors. By outflanking, politicians can build a broader base of support and enhance their chances of success.
  5. Negotiation and Diplomacy: In negotiations, parties can attempt to outflank their opponents by using indirect tactics. For instance, one party might gain leverage by securing support from influential third parties, applying pressure through economic means, or employing surprise tactics that force the opponent to reevaluate their position. This allows negotiators to achieve their objectives without relying solely on direct confrontations.
  6. Legal Strategy: In legal disputes, outflanking can involve using alternative legal arguments or evidence that the opposing party may not anticipate. Lawyers may strategically present evidence or call witnesses that support their case from unexpected angles, catching the opposition off guard and weakening their position.
  7. Problem-Solving and Innovation: In creative problem-solving, outflanking is akin to thinking “outside the box.” It involves exploring unconventional solutions or alternative approaches to address challenges. By outflanking the traditional solutions, individuals and teams can find innovative and more efficient ways to solve complex problems.

Overall, the concept of outflanking transcends chess and is applicable to various domains where strategy, positioning, and gaining an advantage are essential. Understanding this principle can help individuals and organizations navigate complex situations more effectively and achieve their objectives with a competitive edge.”